The following is a list of downloadable documents relating to learning disabilities, physiotherapy, research, legislation and legal frameworks. Documents are listed in order of date posted (most recent first) so please don’t forget to scroll through the different pages as some older documents may still be of significant interest to you. If you have any additional documents you think would be of interest to other members please send them to the Website Officer for consideration (details on contact us page).
The ACPPLD executive committee have included these documents on our site in good faith and in the belief they will be of interest and benefit to members. Their inclusion does not however indicate that the ACPPLD endorse all content of these documents.
Annual Learning Event 2019 - Documents
Click the links to access the application form and draft programme for ACPPLD Annual Learning Event 2019
Download DOC 87.5 KBApplication form ALE 2019
ACPPLD Data protection policy |
ACPPLD Data Protection policy
The aim of this policy is to ensure that everyone handling personal data is fully aware of the requirements and acts in accordance with data protection procedures. This document also highlights key data protection procedures within the organisation. This updated
ACPPLD Committee Nomination form
The Nomination form for joining ACPPLD Executive committee
CPD Templates for ACPPLD members only
Please feel free to download these for use in recording your CPD activities and to help you to build a portfolio.
The following forms have been developed by our ACPPLD CPD officer. They include: activity logs; a meeting record, a reflective practice template, reading material, an observed practice
STOMP Campaign AHP Pledge
The following professions fully support the STOMP campaign and pledge to work with other professionals to promote the reduction of the use of psychotropic medication in people with learning disabilities:
The British Association of Art Therapists
The British Association for Music Therapy
The British
Treat me Well
Mencap's health campaign 'Treat me well' aims to transform how the NHS treats people with a learning disability. It is focused on finding solutions to healthcare inequalities in hospitals, and bringing about practical changes, so people with a learning disability always get the treatment they need
Guidance for ACPPLD Regional Groups
This document outlines the role and function of the ACPPLD regional groups as well as giving advice about the Officers each group should aim to have on their committee
CPD Templates for ACPPLD members only
Downloadsmeeting record.doc
reflective practice.doc
reading material.doc
other activity record.doc
observed practice.doc
external course or workshop.doc
supervision record.doc -
Advice on HCPC Audit
The document below offers some advice from our CPD officer if you are called for HCPC Audit.
There was also a good article in Frontline recently which summarised the HCPC audit requirements
People with Learning Disabilities in Scotland: 2017 Health Needs Assessment Report
The 2017 update report presents an overview of influential research evidence; it is not intended to be an exhaustive systematic review of all research studies related to people with learning disabilities. That would be out with the scope and purpose of this update report. This updated report draws