Learning Disabilities physiotherapy useful websites

Detailed below are a range of websites that group members and those interested in physiotherapy for people with learning disabilities may find useful.

The ACPPLD executive committee have included these  weblinks on our site in good faith and in the belief they will be of interest and benefit to members. Their inclusion does not however indicate that the ACPPLD endorse all content on these sites.

Retts Syndrome Association UK

This is a useful site for physios who have children (mainly girls) on their caseload with Retts Syndrome. It offers excellent support to carers and professionals.

Home exercise creator

HEP2go.com is for rehab professionals such as physiotherapists, occupational therapists, athletic trainers, chiropractors, 
orthopedic doctors, to create and share home exercise programs for their 
patients and or clients.

Care and Support jargon buster

The Care and Support Jargon Buster is a plain English guide to the most commonly used health and social care words and phrases and what they mean. The definitions are plain English rather than legal, and were developed and tested by a steering group that included people who use services, carers and other representatives from across the social care sector.

Disability Grants

This website gives useful information about the range of disability grants available and how to apply for them

Easy read patient information leaflets

This website from Sheffield teaching hospitals contains a large number of easy read patient information leaflets

Easy read letter creator

This website from Surrey Health Action allows you to create your own easy read appointment letters

Scottish Consortium for Learning Disabilities

Organisation that works in partnership with people with learning disabilities of all ages and family carers to challenge discrimination and to develop and share good practice. Their goal is an inclusive Scotland where everyone is valued and respected for who they are and what they contribute as equal citizens.

Creating easy to understand information: Easy on the i - Learning Disability Service (learningdisabilityservice-leeds.nhs.uk)

'easy on the i' is the information design service within the Learning Disability Service at Leeds and York Partnership NHS Foundation Trust.

We specialise in producing easy to understand information for the people who use our service. We do this work with the people who use our service because they are the people who know what works best.

Accessible Information website

This website has been developed as part of a communication for health project in Fife, Scotland which aimed to promote the use of accessible formats of information with people with learning disabilities. Althought developed in Fife, Scotland the information is generic and relevant to all. The website contains many examples of accessible information on a wide range of topics. All documents are rated prior to being accepted onto the website so quality is assured.

British Institute of Learning Disabilities (BILD)

The British Institute of Learning Disabilities (BILD) aims and objectives include the advancement of education and research relating to learning disabilities including people with profound and multiple disabilities.

Changing Places

The Changing Places Consortium has launched its campaign on behalf of those people who cannot use standard accessible toilets.This includes people with profound and multiple learning disabilities and their carers, as well as many other disabled people.


Scottish charity that provides support for people with profound and multiple learning disabilities (PMLD), their family and paid carers.

The Profound and Multiple Learning Disabilities Network

The PMLD Network is a group of people committed to improving the lives of people with profound and multiple learning disabilities (PMLD).

Improving Health and Lives: Learning Disabilities Observatory

A partnership between the North East Public Health Observatory, the Centre for Disability Research at Lancaster University (CeDR) and the National Development Team for Inclusion (NDTi). It is a three-year project funded by the Department of Health. The Observatory aims to provide better, easier to understand, information on the health and wellbeing of people with learning disabilities.

Disability Matters

Your free e-learning resource for the UK workforce.  Educational, Inspiring, Informative and Inclusive.Together we can challenge and positively change our own and others fears, ideas and attitudes towards disability and disabled children and young people.

Learning Disabilities Made Clear - Toolkit

NHS Health Education England have produced this toolkit which brings together a range of resources to promote understanding about what it’s like to live with a learning disability. The toolkit will allow healthcare professionals to adjust the care they deliver and help people with a learning disability accesses the services they need.

Down Syndrome Association

Children and adults with Down’s syndrome are all unique individuals with their own personalities, family backgrounds and preferences that make them who they are. Here you will find answers to questions that we are often asked about Down’s syndrome. This information will help you to separate the facts from some common misconceptions. You can also learn about the ongoing work of the Down’s Syndrome Association.

Down Syndrome Scotland

Down’s Syndrome Scotland (DSS) is a parent led charity which was established in 1982.  We are the only charity in Scotland dedicated solely to supporting people with Down’s syndrome (Ds) and their carers. Down’s Syndrome Scotland provides “all through life” support nationally across Scotland.

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