Specialist Learning Disability Physiotherapy

Specialist Learning Disability physiotherapists are an essential part of the community learning disability team and critical to meeting the health and physiotherapy needs of adults with a learning disability. Either, through supporting positive access to and responses from mainstream physiotherapy and relevant health services; or by providing direct assessment, treatment and management.


Learning disability physiotherapists provide specialist assessment, treatment and management to adults with a learning disability whose needs cannot be successfully met by mainstream services, even when reasonable adjustments are made.

Physiotherapists will work in collaboration with the person, their network of care, mainstream health services, and the multidisciplinary team to enhance, optimise and maintain the person’s physical presentation, function and quality of life.

Physiotherapy needs of adults with a learning disability:

There are a number of factors that predispose this population of people to developing physiotherapy related problems. These include associated physical impairments and conditions; premature aging; increased risk of injuries and falls; poor health literacy; and leading sedentary and unhealthy lifestyles. As a result, many adults with a learning disability will require access to physiotherapy at some point within their lifetime.

Most adults with a learning disability will be able to successfully access mainstream services with reasonable adjustments. However, some people will require adjustments that go beyond what is reasonable and possible for mainstream services and will require access to specialist learning disability services. Often mainstream and specialist teams will need to work in collaboration to share and combine their knowledge and skills.

The Roles of Specialist Learning Disability Physiotherapy Services:

Specialist Learning disability physiotherapists make the adjustments required to provide successful physiotherapy to people with a learning disability that go beyond what is reasonable and for mainstream services.

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Knowledge and Skills of the Specialist Learning Disability Physiotherapist

Learning Disability Physiotherapists are specialists in:

  • Making the adjustments required to provide successful physiotherapy to adults with a learning disability.
  • Supporting positive access to and responses from mainstream physiotherapy and relevant healthcare services.
  • The specific areas of physiotherapy that are critical to meeting the needs of adults with a learning disability. Such as 24hr postural management, falls intervention and prevention, and the management of mobility problems.

Learning Disability Physiotherapists have general knowledge and skills in a broad range of aspects of physiotherapy and other areas of healthcare.

Learning Disability Physiotherapists are versatile in applying their specialist knowledge to meet the physiotherapy needs of an individual and will seek specialist support where indicated.

