'Developing standards of practice for physiotherapists working with adults with a learning disability'. A research study

Year published: 2019

Specialist learning disability physiotherapists Sarah Bruce and David Standley undertook a research study to develop a definition and standards of practice for physiotherapists working with adults with a learning disability. This research was based on the available evidence and consensus from expert physiotherapists working in the clinical area around the United Kingdom (UK).They conducted a five round Modified Delphi technique study to develop and gain consensus for a definition and clinical practice guidelines for the specialist learning disability physiotherapist.This involved a systematic review of the current literature and four rounds of questionnaires to explore the views and opinions of an expert panel recruited via the Association of Chartered Physiotherapists for People with Learning Disabilities.

They have concluded the data collection and analysis. Attached is an update on the progress of this research and standards of practice document.

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