Referral, caseload and waiting list management in learning disability physiotherapy services is a hot topic of discussion and has been for many years.
The ACPPLD regularly gets asked to provide guidance on appropriate caseloads sizes and complexity; referral priority and waiting list management. Therefore, in this survey we aim to explore how your services manage referrals, caseloads and waiting lists, and the factors you take into consideration when making these decisions.
We will then share the results to help inform services to develop and justify your own approaches.
The survey will be anonymised, and data collated and thematically analysed to maintain anonymity. We may use direct quotations from the text to support the data analysis but will not reference different services or organisations.
The closing date is the 30th November 2022
Link to the Survey: Referrals, Waiting Lists and Caseloads Survey (
Thank you in advance for taking time to complete the survey.
Number of subscribers: 3