The Challenging Behaviour Foundation and the Council for Disabled Children announce the launch of a website called ‘Paving the Way.’ The website aims to provide families, professionals, staff, and commissioners with information about how to reduce challenging behaviour and to improve the wellbeing of children with learning disabilities.
Abstracts call for European Congress for Physical Therapy
The CSP will be hosting the 4th European Congress of the European Region of the World Confederation for Physical Therapy (ER-WCPT) in Liverpool this year
Collaborative Care and Support Planning Champions wanted
The Royal College of General Practitioners (RCGP) are seeking to recruit champions to be part of a network working with the RCGP’s high-profile Collaborative Care and Support Planning (CC&SP) programme, and NHS England’s Long Term conditions team, to support general practice teams and CCGs to implement and understand care and support planning and person centred care.