The use of psychotropic medication to manage mental health disorders and challenging behaviour in people with Intellectual Disabilities has been highlighted as an area for development and strategic review under the Transforming Care Programme (2015). In 2016, following an earlier pledge by a number of different professional groups to bring an end to what was described as inappropriate practices, NHS England launched the STOMP initiative Stopping Over- Medication of People with a Learning Disability, Autism or Both
Mencap has launched a campaign called 'Treat me well' which aims to highlight how simple adjustments can make a huge difference to how people with a Learning Disability are treated in hospital.
The CSP and ACPPLD are supporting the NHS England campaign to Stop Over Medication of People with a learning disability, autism or both, known as STOMP. This three-year project aims to raise awareness and reduce over use of psychotropic medicines.
Those of you who were at this year's ACPPLD AGM will be aware that the national executive commmittee has commenced a rolling rota for organisation of the Annual Learning Event each year.