Association Of Chartered Physiotherapists For People With Learning Disabilities news
NHS staff - Checking if a COVID-19 patient has an attorney or deputy
The Office of the Public Guardian holds a register of everyone who has a lasting or enduring power of attorney (LPA and EPA), or who has a deputy acting for them. This can be searched to find the contact details of those involved.
Survey exploring the role of Specialist Learning Disability Physiotherapy services during the COVID-19 pandemic.
On March 11th 2020 the World Health Organisation declared COVID-19 a pandemic. On March the 21st the UK government announced unprecedented measures to control and manage the corona virus pandemic including ‘shielding’ the most vulnerable. These measures will inevitably have had a significant impact on both demand for and capacity to deliver services to adults with a learning disability.
COVID-19 update for Specialist Learning Disability Physiotherapists: Focus on Frailty
NICE acknowledge that the Clinical Frailty Scale (CFS) should not be used in younger people, people with stable long-term disabilities (for example, cerebral palsy), learning disabilities or autism. An individualised assessment is recommended in all cases where the CFS is not appropriate.
ACPPLD National Executive Committee response to the COVID -19 pandemic March 2020.
The ACPPLD recommend that the specialist learning disability physiotherapist’s role during the COVID-19 pandemic is to provide support and advice for adults with a learning disability and their network of care to:
Promote good physical health and mental well-being.
Monitor for deterioration in health.
Protect people from infection.
Reduce demand on primary healthcare.
Prevent hospital admissions and support safe discharges.
Provide essential physiotherapy intervention based on a risk assessment.
We are pleased to announce the launch of the ‘Standards of Practice for Physiotherapists working with Adults with a Learning Disability’.
They can be accessed in their own section of this website by clicking the link on the top menu. As well as the main document there is an executive summary for carers and an executive summary for professionals. There are also a number of toolkits and supporting documents that we hope will help physiotherapy services and clinicians to implement the standards into practice.
The 2019 ACPPLD annual learning event took place earlier this week at the Golden Jubilee Hotel, Clydebank. The event was a great success with 72 delegates enjoying the CPD and networking over the 2 days. Huge thanks are extended to the Scottish organizing committee - 'the lasses in the sashes' and thanks also to all the speakers, sponsors and the staff at Golden Jubilee Hotel for their help and assistance.