The use of psychotropic medication to manage mental health disorders and challenging behaviour in people with Intellectual Disabilities has been highlighted as an area for development and strategic review under the Transforming Care Programme (2015). In 2016, following an earlier pledge by a number of different professional groups to bring an end to what was described as inappropriate practices, NHS England launched the STOMP initiative Stopping Over- Medication of People with a Learning Disability, Autism or Both
The Allied Health Professions and Dance Movement Psychotherapy (DMP) are key players in providing health treatment and intervention to people with a learning disability including those with behaviours that challenge. These professions are therefore well-placed to promote this campaign and consider how their specific profession is best placed to support it.
The following Professions fully support this STOMP campaign and pledge to work with other professionals to promote the reduction of the use of psychotropic medication in people with learning disabilities:
The British Association of Art Therapists
The British Association for Music Therapy
The British Association of Dramatherapists
The Association for Dance Movement Psychotherapy
The Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists
The Chartered Society of Physiotherapy
The British Dietetic Association
The full pledge document can be accessed on the link below
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