Results of the survey exploring the role of Specialist Learning Disability Physiotherapy services during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Results of a short survey exploring how specialist learning disability physiotherapy services responded to the COVID-19 pandemic by the National Executive Committee
Growing Old with Learning Disabilities (GOLD) National Steering Group
The ACPPLD has representatives on a variety of UK wide steering groups and expert panels. One of these is the Growing Old with Learning Disabilities (GOLD) National Steering Group, which brings experts, practitioners and service user representatives together to help guide work in this area. This group meets approximately 4/5 times a year and have just resumed ‘virtually’ following a break due to the COVID- 19 pandemic.
Two Learning Disability Physiotherapy webinars - 22nd July 2020
We would like to advise you of 2 excellent Webinars which are taking place this week for you to join. Unfortunately they are on the same day which may have caused a little confusion for those of you that might have received via email from another source. Both events will be held on Wednesday 22nd July but they are at different times so hopefully some of you will be able to join in with both.
NHS staff - Checking if a COVID-19 patient has an attorney or deputy
The Office of the Public Guardian holds a register of everyone who has a lasting or enduring power of attorney (LPA and EPA), or who has a deputy acting for them. This can be searched to find the contact details of those involved.
Survey exploring the role of Specialist Learning Disability Physiotherapy services during the COVID-19 pandemic.
On March 11th 2020 the World Health Organisation declared COVID-19 a pandemic. On March the 21st the UK government announced unprecedented measures to control and manage the corona virus pandemic including ‘shielding’ the most vulnerable. These measures will inevitably have had a significant impact on both demand for and capacity to deliver services to adults with a learning disability.
COVID-19 update for Specialist Learning Disability Physiotherapists: Focus on Frailty
NICE acknowledge that the Clinical Frailty Scale (CFS) should not be used in younger people, people with stable long-term disabilities (for example, cerebral palsy), learning disabilities or autism. An individualised assessment is recommended in all cases where the CFS is not appropriate.
ACPPLD National Executive Committee response to the COVID -19 pandemic March 2020.
The ACPPLD recommend that the specialist learning disability physiotherapist’s role during the COVID-19 pandemic is to provide support and advice for adults with a learning disability and their network of care to:
Promote good physical health and mental well-being.
Monitor for deterioration in health.
Protect people from infection.
Reduce demand on primary healthcare.
Prevent hospital admissions and support safe discharges.
Provide essential physiotherapy intervention based on a risk assessment.